So, speak to Meg, Hades, and Sisyphus, and then purchase Knave-King’s Sentence for 7 diamonds. Sisyphus asks Zag to lighten his burden.Shady (Unlocked through Sisyphus): Deals a good amount of damage in an area and drops a small pile of darkness, gold, and hearts.After you “permanently” kill him, he can be given Ambrosia. Skelly’s favor is a request to kill him using the Level 5 Zagreus Aspect (using five Titan Blood).Rib (Unlocked through Skelly): Distracts foes, making them target it, but can’t be used against the secret boss, Charon.Zagreus simply proves his strength to Thanatos. Mort (Unlocked through Thanatos): After a delay, explodes in front of you for ridiculous damage, but can’t be used during Thanatos encounters or the Final Boss.Meg’s favor is completed after a random number of Fury encounters, when she meets Zag and informs him that she’s being forced to do this.Battie (Unlocked through Megaera): Deals a huge amount of damage in front of you, but can’t be used against the Fury Sisters or the Final Boss.
In the list below, you’ll find a full breakdown on how to unlock every companion, or Legendary Keepsake as they’re also called. After you do that, they will give you a Summon, or “Legendary Keepsake,” which appears at the bottom of the keepsake screen after you spend an Ambrosia on them - these will serve as your companions. You need to give someone 5-6 Nectar to increase their Affinity Gauge and then complete a favor for them. There are a total of six companions in Hades, all of them unlocked in the same way. Minor Spoiler Warning! How to Unlock Companions in Hades It will take you a huge amount of runs to get them, but once you do… oh boy! Because of how important these are, and how long it takes to get them, we’ve got a short guide explaining how to unlock them. The “Companions” are an unlock that is pretty late game, and incredibly strong. The roguelike has a bunch of ways to get additional items and abilities to help you through hell. One of the most impressive aspects of Hades is the number of unlocks.